Discord ID Lookup

Look up a specific user on Discord with this tool. Sleek and nice

This website is in no shape or form affiliated or owned by Discord. Although it implements their free to use API. We're still not Discord.

Reminder: This application makes HTTP requests to Official Discord Servers. Bear in mind that their servers can go offline without any warning making this application not working. Neal Vos can not be held accountable for the following:

  • Data-loss
  • Server downtime
  • Server errors
  • API errors
  • API downtime
  • Incorrect information
Also the Discord API may return cookies. These cookies are not stored on our servers and are not used in any way on this application. We do not store any data from the API. We only use the API to get the information you requested. All the displayed information is client-sided and will be removed when you close the tab.